Do you aspire to create possibilities and act on your dreams but to justify that this is not the right time for you to start taking action?
Do you aspire to rewrite your narrative so that you can begin to operate more powerfully?
As we look closely, we will notice that nothing is like a perfect time or situation.
More often, our dreams will come alive because we respond to what needs to be done.
On the contrary, the one that usually holds us back is a mental sketch-up of a future situation.
And we feel the dissonance when we associate our emotions around it because our emotions can only draw up an image based on experience – and our default points to those unpleasant ones where our mental chatter will remind us to avoid taking action that supports it.
This is the reason why we tend to self-sabotage.
By leaning towards justifying our (in)actions or the feeling that there is not much we can do to give them a head start.
Because our mind doesn’t have any reference memories of how we are supposed to experience being in that (ideal future) situation.
So our mental chatter will project that we are safe to stay in the known, relative to the emotions that describe an unfamiliar/unknown.
But there is much more to our thoughts that illustrate our situation.
And we can actually operate more powerfully in the present.
Here is what you can explore on for today:
Try to rephrase the statements that play in your head into something positive and declarative.
Speak it out loud and often (your brain will tune in for evidence/options based on what you declare).
Ask “why” and “what” questions to rewire the pattern of our narratives.
Questions like:
Why do I dream this? What steps do I take to get to my goals?
Play full-out.
Remember to consider that the best part of life is a journey in pursuit of possibilities (not the journey in pursuit of the unknown).