Have you been feeling stressed and pressured from your role as a business leader?

You wouldn’t have realized this, but what you experience right now might come from the emotions that you associate for yourself in relation to your role.

How about if we look at our experiences of pressure and stress from a different perspective?

The thing is, we can seldom have the control over the events that unfold around us.

But we can be aware of the kind of thoughts to allocate our energy with, as a response to our circumstance.

We should know that we are capable of creating models in our minds of what it means to be stressed and pressured.

And so, we feel them. And this feeling builds up when there is simply a lot of it that is stacking up in our minds.

It is the volume of the narratives going around our mind that contributes to the feeling of overwhelm.

If we try to take a look at the boundless energy that is naturally inherent with us and instead align our intentions towards the pursuit of difference-making, then we get more fulfillment with what we do.

The less we entertain the “what ifs and what not” in our mind, and more of “what is” the more confident we become in completing our tasks.

How do we know if our energy is ushered for creativity and confidence? Do these exercises:

Think about the time when you do a task that you feel extremely relaxed.

Think about the time when you do a task that you are almost too pre-occupied with what it takes to work on them.

What was the main difference in both situations? How was your state of mind in each situations?

w we choose to experience the meaning of success and failure can be associated with how caught up we are with our (over) thinking.

And seldom not about other factors like how the competitors perform, how the market behaves, or even our capability as a leader.

We often react based on our emotions.

So we need to remind ourselves that our thinking is capable of triggering our body to produce such emotions.

What if we would look at our relationship with business leadership from a different perspective?

In most instances, we overthink because we seek to control the outcome.

The thing is, there is no need to force the idea that we need to master control and assert certainty to succeed in these uncertain times.