“You can hardly stir clear of your view while ignoring a speck that blocks them.”
I must confess when I was dealt with this phrase by my mentor, it never sunk in at first.
Perhaps my default to always extend solutions to a team who faces challenges has brought out the best in me on most occasions.
But as I took time to become immersed in this phrase, I realized- oh yeah! Compassion should start with self-compassion.
The impact we put forth comes from the same place within ourselves.
On the contrary, we occasionally feel short-handed with the capacity to lead authentically, offer our all-out support to our team to realize our goals, and help each one thrive in the face of challenges, as we lack them.
That said- when we missed considering equipping ourselves with the building blocks of emotional depth and breadth to be responsive to the demands that require our attention.
We are at our best to be of impact from the abundance of ourselves.
Rather than withdrawing to your disempowering emotional bunker when you deal with challenges, how do you equip yourself for impactful leadership?
How do you want to respond to the opportunities ahead of you head-on, minus the speck that blocks your view?