Your Insights Generator:

What is on the other side of our perceived challenges?

What is on the other side of our perceived challenges?

Our desire to be in control of whatever challenges comes our way, and to be creative in our actions in response to these challenges is what most business leaders would aspire to perfect and be efficient with. Because as leaders, we know too well that our...

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Do you find productivity and performance elusive?

Do you find productivity and performance elusive?

Do you wish to perform well as a business leader? We should be aware that our definition of performance and productivity has a lot to do with our perception of it. If we are preoccupied with putting meanings in our head, and away from the activities that...

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How do we really influence our future?

How do we really influence our future?

As business leaders, a lot of considerations are entrusted to us as the decision-maker of our organization. In certain instances, this could turn out to be the source of burnout, anxiety, and overwhelm to us. We feel these agitations when we let our external...

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How do you lead people farther?

How do you lead people farther?

As business leaders, what are ways to enable change and rally our organization toward our vision? Since the words leadership and change are attributes that most business Leaders’ roles are associated with, the key would lie with the kind of engagement that...

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How we make up Success and Failure.

How we make up Success and Failure.

Have you tried to define what success and failure look like for you? I would assume that you will describe it differently than others. How we define success and failure will solely rest in our perception of it in life and our business. Because we all have a...

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