Our desire to make “time” work for us.

Our desire to make “time” work for us.

Do you tend to associate timelines or schedules as your measure of fulfillment? What this means is: You quantify the kind of effort with each deadline and even define your emotions based on it. You also celebrate tasks completed based on schedules you set forth.  Yes,...
Pursuing Productive Outcomes and Optimal Performance.

Pursuing Productive Outcomes and Optimal Performance.

Let’s talk about ways of laying the groundwork for peak performance and productivity. We have always been keen to master it with consistency. And this topic is closer to home for most business leaders, where performance and productivity will reflect business...
The Success (and Failure) Formula.

The Success (and Failure) Formula.

Success and Failure Equation. How we describe our situation rests on our perception of what it means to be failing or succeeding. Yes, we alone can interpret the very meaning of success and failure in our lives. Our self-talk is so worked-up in this emotional arena to...
Yes we equip ourselves first.

Yes we equip ourselves first.

“You can hardly stir clear of your view while ignoring a speck that blocks them.” I must confess when I was dealt with this phrase by my mentor, it never sunk in at first. Perhaps my default to always extend solutions to a team who faces challenges has...
Make it more of a Journey, not a destination.

Make it more of a Journey, not a destination.

2023 is halfway through. Do you feel that something is holding you back from the Goals you set? Notice that in situations, we tend to hold back and stay in our comfort zone. And We feel motivated to lean towards shielding ourselves from experiencing the (dreadful)...